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Port Charlotte Pool Water Pros at Your Service

Weekly Pool Cleanings are How We Institute Safe Swimming
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Pool Care for Port Charlotte with a Guarantee

Always Blue Pool Cleaners is your source for reliable pool service in Port Charlotte Florida. Finding a pool company in the Port Charlotte, FL area that cares more about your satisfaction than we do is not possible. We want to be the best in the city that's why we created our pool service guarantee. Our passion is to give all homeowners an attractive view of their pool free from stress and service headaches. Being a family owned company with a long history allows us to keep our mission clear - provide the most reliable & professional workmanship in the Port Charlotte. We understand how large of a property investment your backyard pool is and want to insulate it from costly repairs caused by neglect. Let Always Blue Pool Cleaners bring out the best in your pool and enable you to enjoy it more today and everyday.

For Port Charlotte Pool Owners we Created a Full Plus & Starter Pool Service Plan

* Our Base Price   ( Monthly service fee based on a 4 week billing interval )

For customers who have a spa attached to your pool, all pool service prices quoted will include your spa and this can alter the total monthly cost.

Jandy Pool Products Company Polaris Pool Products Company Pentair Pool Products Company Hayward Pool Products Company
Our Port Charlotte local technicians use pool parts, products, equipment and supplies from top brands like Polaris, Hayward, Pentair and Jandy.

Managing Port Charlotte Pools in 23 Points of Care

Want to know the technical details of our professional pool service plans? This diagnostic checklist is the cumulation of a dozen years of industry experience.

Your Water Balance & Swimming Pool Chemicals
  1. Chloramines - retain Burns your eyes, we eliminate them.
  2. Calcium Hardness / Water Hardness - evaluate
  3. TA (Total Alkalinity) - retain Balance TA and stabilize the pH with sodium bi-carbonate.
  4. Chlorine - retain Disinfect the pool water.
  5. Total Dissolved Solids - evaluate
  6. pH Factor - retain
  7. Temperature (for pH factor calculation) - evaluate Test swimming pool temps to give the best pH.
  8. Total Chlorine (includes chloramines) - retain
  9. Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer / Conditioner) - evaluate Check for just the right amount.
  10. Salt Content - checked (saltwater pools)
  11. Saturation Index - evaluate

Swimming Pool Equipment Checks
  1. Pump strainer baskets emptied and inspected
  2. Swimming Pool Sweep: operation inspection
  3. Skimmer baskets emptied and inspected
  4. Monthly DE filter backwashing, weekly sand filters backwashing
  5. Swimming Pool Sweep (cleared and checked)
  6. Swimming Pool Sweep debris bags emptied and inspected
  7. Valves monitored Maintained for suction and circulation adjustments.

Pool Service
  1. Brush spa
  2. Weekly Venturi / Leaf Vacuum *
  3. Net pool bottom and surface *
  4. Weekly hose vacuum *
  5. Brush walls and steps

* Full Plus Pool Service Plan Only

» View the Full Plus Pool Service Plan Cost and Details

» View the Starter Pool Service Plan Cost and Details

All Pool Plans Backed by our Satisfaction Guarantee

The peace of mind of every Port Charlotte customer is important to us. See Details »

Guarantee Seal

Homes our Weekly Routes Service

Port Charlotte, FL is a large city area. But our pool service technicians can visit almost any Port Charlotte home for pool equipment repairs and regular weekly pool service. Residences in zip codes such as: 33952, 33948, 33981, 33954 and 33953 are within our service range.

It's Time to Enjoy your Pool Again

We look forward to the opportunity to serve you and your swimming pool. Our company stands behind our pool plans with our Pool Service Guarantee.

Send us a message or call us at (941) 304-5552 if you would like to schedule your swimming pool for pool service or get an estimate.

Our employees stand behind all of our promises and await the chance to serve you!